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Behavioral Health
Care providers must obtain a user ID before using our online services.
Carelon Behavioral Health Provider Portal
Our provider portal provides convenient tools and resources for processing claims, obtaining claims information, verifying eligibility status, and more.
Our secure online portal is available 24/7, saving time and resources while reducing errors. It minimizes phone inquiries, speeds up payments through efficient processing, and integrates seamlessly with practice management software.
Our eServices portal offers care providers clinical and administrative tools aimed at allowing providers easier, more efficient access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Member Login
Enter the first three letters of the name of your health plan or employer. Then select from the list that will appear.
Our digital tools can help you manage your prescriptions. Log in to request a refill, price a medication, or find a pharmacy.
Medical benefits management
Specialty care
Offered through Carelon Medical Benefits Management
(Formerly AIM Specialty Health)
Provider portal
Submit a new case for prior authorization, or check on an existing one.
Clinical guidelines and pathways
Access the evidence-based criteria used in our review process.
Post-Acute Care
Offered through Carelon Medical Benefits Management
(Formerly myNEXUS)
Provider portal
Submit a new case for prior authorization, or check on an existing one.
Provider resources
Access provider resources and forms.
Carelon Palliative Care
Palliative Care: MyChart Login
With MyChart, palliative care patients can have all their health information in one place.
Quickly and easily refer a patient or securely access information and updates about your patients’ treatment.
Payment integrity
Offered through Carelon Subrogation
(Formerly Meridian Resource Company)
Access your subrogation reports
Access information about an existing subrogation case.
Claim Anomaly Detection - Data mining
Offered through Carelon Payment Integrity
Access our solution suite
Client login.