Other Party Liability

Uncover payer responsibility and maximize recoveries.

Drive bigger savings for your health plan

Start maximizing claims payment recoveries with a comprehensive, proactive approach.

Our solutions bring together breakthrough technology and market-leading expertise to solve a big challenge in healthcare — payer responsibility. Our team and processes accurately identify liable parties, increasing your claims payment recoveries and preventing misattributed payments.

Coordination of Benefits Solution

Quickly identify members with more than one health plan and determine payment responsibility.



Subrogation Solutions

Streamline recovery through our structured, proven process. Explore our offerings:

Full-Service Subrogation

Subrogation Case Identification

Subrogation Overflow

Workers’ Compensation Recovery



Ask us about our Other Party Liability Solutions

Health plan leaders, contact us to learn more about the possibilities and impact of our Other Party Liability Solutions. 

Are you a health plan member?

If you’re a health plan member and have a question about your health plan, please call the member services number on the back of your health plan ID card.