Coordination of Benefits Solution

Determine the primary payer faster

What if you could make faster, more accurate claim payments? That can be a challenge when members have more than one health plan. With our Coordination of Benefits Solution, you can automate and streamline primacy decisions. This gives you an efficient way to determine payment responsibility and save valuable healthcare dollars.

Lines of business

•  Commercial
•  Medicare
•  Medicaid
•  Federal employee

What happens when primary coverage is clear from the start?

Our solution helps expedite the identification of other coverage and streamlines the process of determining the responsible primary payer.

Reduce administrative costs

We help you reduce calls, disputes, and rework for your plan and providers.


Create clarity in the payment workflow 

Our solution helps deliver consistent, clear outcomes — the first time around. That way, the coordination of benefits process is more predictable and understandable. 


Drive provider and member satisfaction 

With faster, more accurate decisions, we help you create an improved provider and member experience .


Inside our Coordination of Benefits Solution

Leave the guesswork out of coordination of benefits. Our solution helps you identify primary coverage accurately and efficiently by bringing together real-world expertise and powerful technologies.

Highly secure data platform
Industry-wide eligibility data channels
Analytics platform
Online workflow collaboration tool
Dashboards and reporting
lock icon
Highly secure data platform
Computer chip
Industry-wide eligibility data channels
brain icon
Analytics platform
Cloud computing icon
Online workflow collaboration tool
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Dashboards and reporting

How our solution works

We collect and store your membership and other health plan information on a highly secure data platform.

We leverage our comprehensive primacy rules engine and curated eligibility information to consistently, accurately, and automatically identify the responsible primary payer.

We provide validated supporting documentation offering transparency into accurate, consistent primacy decisions.

Ask us about our Coordination of Benefits Solution

Health plan leaders, contact us to learn more about the possibilities and impact of our solution.

Are you a health plan member?

If you’re a health plan member and have a question about your health plan, please call the member services number on the back of your health plan ID card.